Ontario Genealogical Society  new logoDurham Region Branch of the Ontario Genealogical SocietyDurham Region Branch 2018  logo

676 Simcoe St. N. — Oshawa, Ontario — L1G 4V7


Paid membership is not required to attend meetings or to use the resources of the Society.

Members Only Area (extras content from the branches you belong to): Ours is here: - https://durhambranch.ogs.on.ca/

Questions about Durham Region Branch membership may be sent to: Membership eMail

Kindred Spirits Newsletter 20th

O.G.S. mails two quarterly publication to each member: "Newsleaf" and "Families".

Most local branches publish their own quarterly newsletter. Our's is called "Kindred Spirits".[sample pdf ] Members may receive Kindred spirits by mail or electronically. (see Kindred Spirits)

Some local branches, such as ours, maintain a resource library (different from O.G.S.), including microfilm, cemetery records, family histories, and more.

Membership forms are available at our meetings, our office, or by visiting the O.G.S web site.

Thank You for visiting - the Durham Region Branch OGS.