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676 Simcoe St. N. — Oshawa, Ontario — L1G 4V7
You have reached the Branch Members Only Area [Durham Region Branch OGS]. Visitors will note that many clickable links have been removed from this page, in order to permit "members only" to access certain content.
MEMBERS ONLY is now active. You must be a branch member, so include your membership number.
Lisa Terech's "Canada 150, an Oshawa Perspective".
Pauls Jones's talk "I Am Not a Jones, But What Am I?"
Collections of Online Digital Maps for British Isles Research � Selected Examples by James F. S. Thomson
Taming Your Inner Packrat - Genealogy Clutter Buster Boot Camp
Budget for 2020 (docx) and Year End Statement (PDF)
Budget 2016 Compared (PDF) Budget 2015 and 2014 compared & 2014 Balance Sheet & 2014 Year End Statement (all Excel)
Budget 2013/2014 (Excel) and Year End Statement 2013 (PDF)
Our initial Branch Members Only on-line publication is the Funeral Card Index (including images). This project is now OPEN TO ALL!
Additions to the Funeral Card Index is an ongoing project. So, check back again.
Funeral cards, or �In Memoriam� cards, were handed out on the occasion of the death of a family member. Many of us have a handful filed away with our records (if we were lucky enough to inherit them), and many of the Archives and Museums in the area also have collections. Initially we are copying any with a connection to the Durham Region � either by birth, marriage, death, burial, residence, etc.
If you have any cards you wish to share with us, please do one of the following: